Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cumin Seed Red Lentil Soup

This was just another variation on using red lentils. Heating cumin seeds in oil to bring out their flavor seemed an obvious choice to use with this Indian staple. For few ingredients, this soup packed a lot of flavor.
2C red lentils
3/4C wild rice
1 large yellow onion
2T extra virgin olive oil
1T cumin seeds
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper
Sciabica Jalapeno Olive Oil
Place the olive oil in your soup pot and heat over a medium flame, then add the cumin seeds. Dice the onion and as soon as the cumin seeds start releasing fragrance, add the onion. Sautee the onion until it is  translucent.
Place the lentils and rice into a strainer and wash with cold water, then add to the pot. Stir the ingredients together and add enough water to cover the lentils by 2 to 3 inches.
Increase the heat to high, add salt, pepper, and bay leaves. When the soup comes to a boil, turn the heat down to a simmer, cover pot with lid and stir every 10 minutes. Check the consistency and take the soup off the heat when it is as thick as your preference dictates. Check seasoning and add more salt and pepper if necessary.
After plating the soup you can add the jalapeno flavored olive oil or if you don’t have that (but I encourage you to get some) a fruity olive oil will work.

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