Sunday, September 2, 2007

White Peach Sauce

I love the look of white peaches and the idea of white peaches, but I am always struck by the fact that they are too sweet for my taste and the least "peachy" in flavor. Peach Schnapps does the trick for me in this recipe and the white vinegar gives a tang that just doesn't come with the fruit. The next time I try this I'm changing the vinegar. I discovered that pear vinegar works well and has a nice flavor that may add a greater complexity to this recipe. Still I'll be happy to eat every teaspoonful of the results from this recipe.


4C firm white peaches
3C sugar
3T white vinegar
3T peach schnapps
1t Grenadine

Finely chop the peaches, add them into a non reactive pot along with the vinegar and sugar, then stir over a medium heat until they boil. Add 2T of the schnapps and simmer for 30 minutes or until the fruit has softened, then add the last tablespoon of peach schnapps and bring to a boil again. Use an immersion blender to add a bit of body to the sauce, but do not puree completely. leaving some small chunks of the fruit.
Pack into sterilized jars and steam process for 10 minutes.

This recipe only makes 1 1/2 pints of sauce.

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